Wombat brings an innovative, scalable algorithm and design, low-slippage, multichain and crosschain single-sided DEX, backed by Binance Labs, Animoca, Shima, and Jump Crypto.
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Wombat brings an innovative, scalable algorithm and design, low-slippage, multichain and crosschain single-sided DEX, backed by Binance Labs, Animoca, Shima, and Jump Crypto.
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Utilizing a stableswap 2.0 model, Wombat users can:
Swap stablecoins at hyper-efficient exchange rates with minimal slippage and earn a sustainable and optimal yield on their assets via single-staking pools.
We maximize capital utilization to fuel DeFi growth and adoption.
There are four significant benefits that Wombat brings:
Scalable Equilibrium: Innovate a coverage-ratio-based stableswap mechanism to remove scalability barriers, which would allow the possibility of achieving 100% capital utilization with no impermanent loss.
Slippage minimization: Wombat adopts the asset-to-liability model; slippage is negated until higher transaction amounts are reduced when it occurs.
User-Friendly UI/UX: Simple and accessible interface with pure single token pool design.
Foundation for DeFi to build upon: A pure single-token pool design enables single-token LP tokens, which are ideal for borrowing and lending protocols and trading platforms to build on top of.