β†ͺ️Invariant Curve

With the above definition in mind, Wombat’s invariant curve is defined as follows:

βˆ‘Lx(rxβˆ’Arx)=D\sum{L_x (r_x - \frac{A}{r_x})} = D

rxrβ‚“ = coverage ratio of token x

AA= amplification factor

During a swap, the right-hand side of the invariant remains constant.

The invariant has some favorable properties, including:

  • The number of assets in a pool is unlimited. One can add and remove assets on the fly.

  • The weight of assets is flexible. A protocol can emit more rewards to a token in the pool with higher buy pressure to selectively deepen liquidity.

  • Users can provide single-sided liquidity.

Dynamic Pool

Dynamic pool supports tokens with distinct prices, as supplied by external price oracles, the invariant curve is defined as follows:

βˆ‘Lxpx(rxβˆ’Arx)=D\sum{L_xp_x (r_x - \frac{A}{r_x})} = D

pxp_x = oracle price of token x

More details could be found here

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